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Creating LoCHAid: A Guide for Beginners

Date: Jan 16, 2023
Tags: LoCHAid, begineer, guide, tutorial, hearing aid, deaf, hearing

What is LoCHAid?

LoCHAid, or Low Cost Hearing Aid Device, is a hearing aid created by Dr. Bhamla and his team from Georgia Tech University. Its details were published in this scientific paper in 2020, and Dr. Bhamla claims that the device can cost as little as $1 when produced in bulk.

How do I get one of my own?

Unfortunately, LoCHAid is not a sold product, so if you like one, you will have to make it yourself. Don't fret because this article will allow even those with no scientific background to make one of their own!


This video details the entire process of making LoCHAid, and here you can find the files for the PCB and 3D holding box along with links to purchasing each component.

To print the PCB, I ordered one from Oshpark, a PCB manufacturing company in the US. To access all the files required, go to The PCB is the filed called PCB.brd. This is an EAGLE file and to open this file on your desktop, you must download EAGLE CAD.

The 3D box design is available in the 3D Box Files folder. The stl files for the outer surrounding box are labeled by NEW {}. The bottom case is denoted by different degrees of taper - if you want a very tight fit with little space between the PCB and the box, use 3.5 degree taper file (NEW 3.5 deg bottom.stl). For semi-tight use the (NEW 3 deg bottom.stl). The least tight fit is in (NEW 2.5 deg bottom.stl). The 3 degree taper (NEW 3 deg bottom.stl) is recommended. The top case is the NEW top.STL file. Use this top file regardless of the bottom file used. To open these 3D files, use 3D design software such as Fusion 360.

Materials List

The total cost is only when buying 1 of each component. Costs will drastically reduce if you are purchasing these items in bulk. Additionally, a soldering iron and soldering wire don't need to be purchased if you already have some, so keep that in mind.